Friday, November 19, 2010

House of Reps- Senate

This portion of the project has come to a closure and luckily the House of Representatives have passed over 6 bills but the Senate has only passed 2. With much struggle we have managed to come to a consensus but this experience greatly helped in understanding how the Congress works.

Othello Act 5 Scene 2

As many might of seen, almost every group chose different scene and adapted them in different eras or scenarios. In my particular acting company, we chose Act 5 Scene 2 and we spiced it up a bit and interpreted the scene into a 50's dinner theme. We didn't change any of the characters names or gender, but we did cut off several lines. Shawn S. played Montana, Grantiano and Cassio. Danielle C. played as Emilia, Alan H. as Iago, Jewel as Desdemona and myself as Othello. This was the second time I was in a Shakespeare play and it was enjoyable. But there were some line memorizing issues and time problems as well. But overall, all the acting companies did great!

Lower College Interest Rates

As a member of the Banking, finance and urban affairs committee we decided, for the benefit of our young generation, that it is essential to lower college student loans. We understand that for young adults it is difficult to sometimes find solid jobs and at the same time attending college which is why the majority of college students ask for baking loans but at times the interest rates are extremely high. We are in the process of creating a bill which would eliminate interest rates but only limited to students. In order words, the students will only be obliged to pay their actual loan and no longer have to pay interest rates. I would like you opinion, as to this bill is still in progress and input from the public is always welcomed.

Thank You!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Penny Act

As member of the Banking, finance, and Urban Affairs committee we decided it was essential for us to abolish the one- cent coin or mostly known as the "Penny" cent. There are several reasons for ts  very historical reason as to why we believe it should be omitted from the coinage cycle and for the most part it cost much more to actually manufacture the penny and ship it to banks. As many might agree, the penny coin is just another piece of metal that must be carried in pockets, so instead we plan on buying off all the pennies from the banks in exchange of bills.
Now, we fully understand that because of this prices will have to go up. But not only will the prices on items will go up but so will salaries. So, in the long run no permanent damage will be caused to the consumer. Fro example, if an Arizona- drinking brand- currently cost a dollar, once this bill is passed it will increase to a dollar and five cents. Although, this might seem like a drastic change, hopefully everyone will enjoy no carrying pennies in their pockets.

Since this bill was passed on Wednesday by both parties in the House of Representatives it will become in effect in a period of 90 days. Just remember, all the pennies will be recycled and donated to art centers and we will also be looking into materials that could possible replace the usage of copper and zinc.

Thank You Very Much For Your Support!